Our Activities

Relief Operations During Tsunami of December 2004
When Tsunami struck India on 26th December 2004, the organization reacted at Kollam District of Kerala, on the advice of the GoI. The organization established a camp at Village AiramThengu till March 2005 and provided shelter, food, water, medical aid and other essentials to 513 victims. A total of approximately 300 volunteers, doctors, clinical psychologists were involved in the relief aid. The local populace and the District Authorities of Kollam District lauded the efforts.
View DetailsRescue and Relief Operations in Poladpur Taluka of Raigad District, Maharashtra
In July 2005, due to incessant rains, there were floods and landslides that occurred at many places in Raigad District. DiMaRF was requested to render help by the District Collector Raigad. The organization was deployed at Poladpur and helped evacuate people from villages that were threatened by landslides, gave medical help to villages that were cut off from the main stream. The volunteers and medical team went across the flood waters, near village Paithan to offer the services. The organization also cleared debris of a few landslides to clear road communications. The operations lasted from 28th July to 03rd Aug 2005.
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Flood Relief for Kerala, 2018
In 2018 August, the state of Kerala was adversely affected by floods. Probably, the estimation of the population and irrigation department about the rains and flooding had gone a little askew. The communication systems had broken and a lot of people were rendered shelterless for a period ranging from 3 days to a fortnight. DiMaRF volunteers quickly got into action and with the help of the donors got money to send nearly 2 Tons of relief material through the Kerala operators, for the affected population. The concept of Palletisation was adopted where every pallet was packed with essentials material for 100 persons. This included medicines, clothing, bedding items, essential commodities and dry food items. Because of broken road communications, it was not possible to launch DiMaRF team.
Helping the Government during Landslide at village Malin of Ambegaon Taluka of Pune District, in 2014
After the ill-famed Malin landslide, a request was received from the government to help the administration in disposal of the dead bodies. The organization dispatched 23 volunteers who helped the District authorities in disposing of the dead bodies – many decomposed – and the victims kin were not ready to dispose off their own kin.
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Flood Relief for Assam, 2019
Every year Assam suffers from flooding as River Brahmaputra and its tributaries inundate large tracts of land. In Jul 2019 Assam was at the receiving end of severe floods. Population was moved to safe pockets in small numbers. The road/ rail communications in the hinterland had been disturbed and the relief had to be undertaken through aerial drops. DiMaRF again collected relief material and palletised it in a different manner that it was suitable for air drops. Liaison was established with Assam State Disaster Management Authority personnel. The relief material was sent by train to Guwahati and it was further air dropped by the Assam SDMA staff.
Flood Relief at Kolhapur 2019
On the heels of floods in Assam, Kolhapur-Sangli region of Maharashtra received incessant heavy rainfall and suffered from floods. Some volunteers of DiMaRF – Nilesh Sambhus, Devendra Kurumbhati and Roopesh Nimbalkar participated in rescue operations for two days. In continuation DiMaRF immediately collected material and sent a team of 40 volunteers to Shirol Tehsil of Kolhapur district. The team operated for 5 days, reaching each household in 4 larger villages. Relief material was provided based on the needs of every household. That was a great experience for the entire team.

Efforts in First wave of COVID-19 in Pune, March 2020
During the 1st lockdown the migrant labours, daily wagers of Pune were sheltered in 20 schools by Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). DiMaRF fed 3 times meals to more than 500 needy people for one month under the directions of Pune Municipal Corporation. A team of 20 volunteers relentlessly worked for a month from procurement of raw material to packaging of cooked meals & distribution it
Efforts in Second wave of COVID-19 in Pune, April 2021
During the 2nd wave of COVID, there was an acute need for plasma and blood donation for the treatment of Covid patients, DiMaRF established a information help desk to assist the needy patients. We fetched data of 20,000 COVID cured patients from Pune Municipal Corporation & divided among DiMaRF volunteers to dial people & motivate them, to donate plasma for the treatment of critical COVID patients. We also processed incoming enquiries about ventilator beds, oxygen, medicines. We matched the enquiries with the data & resources we had generated ; and provided assistance to the critical patients to save their lives
Landslide at Irshalwadi, Raigad District
On 20th July 2023, due to heavy rain pour, a massive land slide occurred in Irshalwadi, Raigad District and entire village came under it. Our team of 32 volunteers, ably supported by Reliance Foundation, helped the NDRF and SDRF in evacuating the injured and recovering dead bodies. The team also provided HAM Radio communications at the site.
Training: DiMaRF has provided ‘Awareness Training’ in many housing societies and
educational institutions. The training revolves around the basics of safety and
security in industries, homes, festivities, road etiquette, simple rescue, basic first aid
and evacuation and establishment of relief camps during calamities.
Projects: Members of DiMaRF have conducted Hazard-Vulnerability and Risk analysis
and DM Planning projects in industries and towns.