This world is threatened by multiple hazards that turn into disasters from time to time, at different locations. India has categorized the hazards into five subgroups that convert into disasters. There are a total of 36 types of disasters, identified thus far. Irrespective of type of disaster, destruction, loss of life and damage to infrastructure and environment is inevitable.
It is very important to note that the responsibility to prevent and fight against the disasters spreads from the highest authority at National level down to every common citizen, all the government agencies, public and private organizations and institutions.
It is thus prudent for everyone to understand the nature of disasters, hazard, vulnerability and risk estimates, learn about individual and group preparedness and respond adequately during disasters.
It is said that it is better to be prepared for a disaster and not have one, than have one and not be prepared for it. This website aims at strengthening disaster resilience of the community by promoting awareness, prevention, preparedness of response.
It is appealed to the readers that they should take maximum advantage of the website and also join the organization, save own self as well as own family during emergencies and participate in the national duty of fighting the disasters.

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01 The Vision of organisation
To enhance disaster related ‘resilience’ of the community.
02 The Mission of organisation
“Help Upgrade disaster prevention and management capabilities of India” and where possible extend the services to other countries as well.